Thursday, October 3, 2019
Training Program And HR Order Essay Example for Free
Training Program And HR Order Essay Introduction            We are in the epoch of organizational reform and innovation. Our time is marked with rapid changes in the demography of workforce, changing corporate culture, and changing institutions. In the light of the rapid shift in today’s organizations, the skills required of human resource managers, beginners in the profession and even aspiring students in the discipline, rest on the foundation of knowledge on the whole gamut of human resources and organizational development. Corporate America is not without its complications. When the company â€Å"succeeds,†there is with it (the success) a corresponding notion of responsibilities and liabilities. Organizations thrive today because of the policies and guidelines they have managed to fixed firmly in their set-up and translated into their day to day affairs. Big businesses have the competitive edge over others – i.e., over small entrepreneurs, because they have arrived at their positions in the market place by securing certain parameters in the many facets that comprise their organizations. This is especially true on government laws and regulations (McKenna, 2000).            Company policies reflect the company’s intentions of not only looking into employees’ benefits and/or plight, but its willingness to comply with authorities. Safety must be of prime importance in each organization and cooperation between employees and the imposed restrictions must be monitored and regulated. Any accident prevention program can only be effective and successful with the combined efforts of the management, supervisors, foremen and employees. This is where motivating the employees to participate is also critical and the constant and proper communication channels are employed in the organization. Government’s monitoring should also be unceasing because the tendency for institutions to make lapses and/or company support to be negligent with their duties can oftentimes occur (McKenna, 2000; Clement, 1981). Discussion ~ Training Programs: its purpose and efficacy            Training and training programs instituted by an organization requires that the management realizes the need for a systematic program for employee training and development through the formulation of company policy and its implementation by specifying who should be responsible. Management must therefore consider training as one of its major functions. It must realize this need because training is a continuous activity and requires management’s attention and support. Without management’s continued backing, financial, and moral, the program will fail (Clement, 1981).            Regardless of the sophistication and predictive validity of a selection program, it is almost always necessary to expose newly hired employees to some kind of training before they can be maximally effective on a new job, even if the employees are already experienced with the tools utilized in the workplace. The purpose of which is to increase the employee’s productive efficiency and to enhance organizational goals. Training requirements are made more complicated when the workers have had little actual job experience or are being hired for a type of work they have never performed (Baron, 1983). The organization’s selection procedures ideally ensure that new employees have sufficient intelligence, aptitude, and attitude to learn the job. The effects of a training program are in some cases tangible and in other cases, intangible. In the case of the former, empirical measurement of effectiveness is relatively easy; but in the case of the latter, it is not so. For example, the effectiveness of a training program, such as one for operator training, work study or inventory control, can easily be measured in terms of increased productivity or reduced cost, after the trainees have completed the program. But in the case of a program on human relations or leadership, the benefits cannot be measured in terms or units; they are seen and felt over a period of years. The effectiveness of such programs can also be measured from the point of view of objectives of the program by conducting in depth interviews of the participants, their superiors and subordinates (Baron, 1983). ~ The HR Manager’s role to make training effective            The HR manager should determine, in consultation with the different line departments, what training activities are needed, arranged according to priorities. He should evaluate the training programs and submit to management annual reports on the status of each program, their effectiveness, and the quality of the training activities. He should continually sell the training programs to all supervisors and managers and integrate the programs with other personnel actions, such as promotions or transfers. He should also extend technical aid to the supervisors and managers at all levels in determining training needs, selecting instructors or demonstrators and evaluating results (Landy, 1985; Baron, 1983; Clement, 1981).            Another important role of the HR manager is to evaluate whether the training conducted met what was intended for and if further follow-up or reinforcements are needed, there are contingencies that are also in place. Management, furthermore, as a rule wants to know whether or not the expense involved in the training and development of its employees will be a profitable investment. In evaluating the effectiveness of training there is a need to define what one wants to get from that particular training to be able to evaluate its results. The usual approach of relating the effects of training to gross changes in the organization in terms solely of the attitudes and behavior of workers is not enough as these are not all the effect one gets out of training. There are intangible benefits that a trainee acquires which broaden his outlook in life through his contact with society at large, boost his morale and motivation towards his work, and develop his pride to belong to his organization. Quantification should be in terms of identifiable units as psychomotor skills, knowledge and information gained and specific behavior patterns instilled (Landy, 1985; Baron, 1983; Clement, 1981).            Effectiveness is measured in terms of the application of what the learners have acquired during the training course. This application in turn is affected by various factors, the most important of which is the organizational framework and climate within which to apply the ideas learned from the course. Training is not transferred until it is well-integrated and successfully applied in a given job for which it was intended. Not all knowledge or skill can be used immediately in all situations but the learner will have it ready for his use when the need arises (Landy, 1985; Baron, 1983; Clement, 1981). Conclusion            The rapid technological and environmental changes which have engulfed the world in increasing proportions have drastically transformed the placid face of the earth. Organizational as well as industrial behaviors have evolved towards dynamic materialism thereby elevating worker’s and customer’s demands and expectations. Trends show that: 1) there is a great and growing shortage of high talent managers; 2) there will be an increasing need for better managers; 3) the manager’s job will be more demanding; 4) there will be increasing competition for managers. This reality is sustained up to the next decades. Hence, the manager himself constantly must undergo training and advanced schooling for him to remain in the competitive edge. He can also pinpoint to the staff in the workplace the significance of training when he himself refreshes in the profession he is involved in (Clement, 1981).            When the HR manager thoroughly knows his stuff and had done his research, studies and analysis into the problems and challenges of his workplace, it is no wonder that the training provided for the organization is appropriate and fitting for the members of the organization. His job seems to be continuous and he updates himself constantly to pull the rest of the organization to a level of competence. Reference: Baron, R. 1983. Behavior in Organizations: Understanding and Managing the Human Side of Work, Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Clement, R.W. 1981. Evaluating the Effectiveness of Management Training. Human Resources Management. Vol. 20, pp.8-13. Landy, F.J. 1985. Psychology of Work behavior. 3rd Ed. Dorsey Press. McKenna, Eugene, 2000. Business Psychology and Organizational Behavior: A Student’s Handbook. 3rd Ed. Psychology press: Taylor and Francis Group.
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