Monday, September 30, 2019
Role of the Regulatory Body Essay
The parents of Anjum a little girl who is new to your setting moved to England only 3 months ago. Yours is the first setting that they have used for 18 month old Anjum. They have very little understanding of the legislation covering home based childcare or the role of the regulatory body. Consider 4 pieces of legislation that are important for home based childcarers and how you would outline these to Anjum’s parents? How would you go about outlining the 4 different roles of the regulatory body to Anjum’s parents? Relevant Assessment Criteria: 1.1 Outline the current legislation covering home based childcare and the role of regulatory bodies Legislation The most influential legislation comes from the 2004 Children Act, this act arose from the Green Paper ‘Every Child Matters’, the most relevant parts of this legislation for yourselves with regards to Anjum are: Be healthy Stay Safe Enjoy and Achieve Make a positive contribution I will explain to you both how the above relates to Anjums whilst in my care. Be Healthy We will spend a lot of time outside this will allow Anjum to become more physically thus mentally healthy. All snacks and drinks will always be healthy, thus promoting a healthy lifestyle. Stay safe My home environment is safe for Anjum thus preventing accidents to the best that I can. It is a stable environment for Anjum to grow up in, he will be cared for in all regards. Protected from maltreatment, neglect, violence, sexual exploitation and safe from bullying and discrimination. Enjoy and Achieve I will prepare Anjum for school, she will be encouraged to achieve personal and social skills whilst enjoying recreation time. Make a positive contribution Anjum will be encouraged in decision-making throughout the day whilst considering her environment, an example of this would be not to drop litter when we are going for walks. All children in my care will be encouraged to form positive relationships, they will be guided with regards treating their peers on an equal footing to each other, and there will be no bullying and/or discrimination. I will develop self-confidence and good behavior. Role of the Regulatory Body (Ofsted) Ofsted are an independent and impartial service who report to the Government bodies. They inspect all services that provide education to children and young people. Ofsted help to improve our standards for you children. Registration / Inspection Ofsted undertake checks on my household members, such as police records, this is to protect you child from being around people that are a potential danger to children. Ofsted ensure I hold a valid first aid certificate, which shows that I have suitable training in first aid procedures if required at any point. I have signed to say I have agreed to meet a set of requirements set out by Ofsted. I will provide you with my certificate if you require me to, this will show you any conditions of registration that apply to myself. Investigation I will keep a record of any complaints and I will share the results of any investigations with any of my parents if requested by yourself or others. If you have any complaints or concerns that I am not meeting the requirements of registration, you can contact Ofsted directly. Enforcement Ofsted have the powers to ensure that I am providing the requirements and conditions that are stipulated, if I am not they can enforce further conditions and requirements, these are all in place to protect your child and provide the best care possible. If you have any problems with regards to the service I provide you, you can get in contact with Ofsted and report your concerns. Policies and Procedures Accidents Illness and Emergencies Policy Statement: It is my statutory duty to safeguard the children in my care, the safety of your child and any child within my care is paramount at all times. Every measure will be taken at all times to protect your child and any other child from injuring themselves or others. Unfortunately accidents, children become ill and a situation can arise that becomes an emergency and as such please find below the procedure that will be followed if a situation develops. Procedure As a registered child minder I will ensure the following points that relate to a situation are carried out: Once assessment of the injury has taken place I will seek medical help. If medical help is required they are then other requirements that I will follow; I will inform Ofsted under Standard 14.3 and inform my insurance company. If required I will carry out first aid for which I have got the nesseccary training for. Comfort will be given to the child at all times. Contact will be made with yourselves as soon as practically possible. A note will be entered within the accident book, I will ask you to sign the book and then provide you with a copy for your records. Current insurance that I am covered with allows me to carry out certain procedures. If I find myself in a situation which is unfamiliar to myself, I will either contact the child’s guardian/parent or seek medical advise via the doctors of the emergency services. Any procedures or requirements to administrate medication will require a signature from the guardian/parent. Unfortunately medication is required to be given, if this is the case I would ask you to keep me up to date, especially if you have to medical advice. Unfortunately accidents do happen, if this is the case I would ask you to keep me up to date, especially if you have to seek medical advice. Behaviour Policy Statement: It is my statutory duty to encourage children in my care to behave, showing respect to others and themselves at all times. Procedure As a registered child minder I will encourage the children follow the following points which will set a good standard of behaviour for all children: Children will be encouraged to say please and thank you. Children will be made aware of all boundaries and reminded when necessary. Children will be encouraged to listen, understand and follow instructions, I will also listen to all children, asking for their ideas. Children will be encouraged not use bad language. Children will be encouraged to respect each other and property. Children will be encouraged to help with planning the day and activities. I will give praise for all good behaviour. I will give 15 mins, 10 mins and 5 min warnings to end each activity. Parents will be asked to remind their children of the rules whilst in my care. Safeguarding Policy Statement: It is my statutory duty to safeguard the children in my care, ensuring their welfare and all other children. Procedures that I will follow are set by the local safeguarding Children’s board. Procedure: As a registered child minder I will: I will look out for signs of neglect, child abuse both emotionally and sexually. If I have reason to believe that any child in my care is being abused in any way I will report the matter to the Duty Social Worker for Leicestershire Social Services, Child protection Team. Under these circumstances I will not be able to keep information relating to your child confidential, but will need to share it with Ofsted, Social Services and the Police if requested. Please see the Leicestershire Guidelines protection of child minders, this will be followed by myself on all accounts. I will undertake training via the local council regarding safeguarding and protecting children. Equal Opportunities Policy Statement: It is my duty to give all children in my care the opportunity to undertake all activities and encourage them to reach their full potential. I will encourage equality of opportunity and anti-discriminatory practices for all children. Procedure: As a registered child minder I will achieve this by: Adapting the activities if required for the children to reach their full potential. I will provide additional help and support if required for children to reach their full potential. All toys within my home will be for both sexes, toys will reflect positive images of children and people from different cultures and abilities. I will acknowledge all relevant legislation. No child in my care will be discriminated against in anyway, whether for their skin colour, culture, gender, ability or religion. I will challenge any remarks that I feel are inappropriate. I will teach children in my care about different cultures and religions, I will use books, puzzles and / or toys and I will cook with the children different types of food to relate to our learning. I will be looking at special festivals and dressing up to represent these. I will encourage children to respect each other, their differences and their needs. I will encourage children and their parents to collect any materials, take photos of any events they attend, this will enable a show and tell. I will not discriminate against any children or parents on the basis of race, age, sexuality, class and or family status. I will act if a child or parent uses any language that is inappropriate.
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