Sunday, May 24, 2020
A Rose For Emily By William Faulkner - 1202 Words
In William Faulkner’s short story, â€Å"A Rose For Emily†, there are a few themes and symbols that are the most significant. The main character, Emily Grierson, is used to display the struggle against change while trying to keep old traditions alive. Emily’s house is a perfect symbol of old traditions. The theme of death is also displayed, as death seems to just follow Emily throughout her life. At the end of the short story, something as simple as a piece of long, gray hair becomes a huge symbol of the story, answering many questions for the community and, of course, the readers. Through Emily Grierson, the author tries to convey the struggle against change. Emily herself is a tradition. Over the years, Emily does not change much even though the world around her is changing every day. Emily is entirely cut off from society to the point where she does not even leave her house. No one can understand why. Emily refuses to have numbers attached to the side of her house when the town decides they will be starting mail delivery. She also has not paid taxes in years, supposedly because her father lent money to the town and forgiving Emily’s taxes is the town s way of repaying her. When the Board of Alderman comes to Emily’s house, explaining why she needed to pay taxes, her repeated response is â€Å"See Colonel Sartoris. I have no taxes in Jefferson†(79). Little does she know, Colonel Sartoris died ten years prior, which is just another example of how cut off from society she is. TheShow MoreRelatedA Rose For Emily By William Faulkner923 Words  | 4 PagesA Rose for Emily; A Tale of The Old South William Faulkner was born in New Albany, Mississippi in 1897 but lived most of his life in Oxford, a small town nearby. After dropping out of high school then briefly joining the Canadian Air Force, he returned home and completed three terms at the University of Mississippi (Fulton 27). During his early twenties Faulkner spent time in New Orleans and Europe before returning to Oxford and publishing his first book of poems. In 1929 he married Estelle FranklinRead MoreA Rose For Emily By William Faulkner1729 Words  | 7 PagesJune 24, 2015 â€Å"A Rose for Emily†In every neighborhood there is always that one house that is a mystery to everyone. A house that everyone wants to know about, but nobody can seem to be able to dig up any answers. It’s the type of place that you would take any opportunity or excuse to get to explore. The littler that is known, the more the curiosity increases about this mysterious place or person. In the short story â€Å"A Rose for Emily†by William Faulkner, this mysterious person is Emily Grierson, andRead MoreA Rose For Emily By William Faulkner949 Words  | 4 PagesIn William Faulkner’s â€Å"A Rose for Emily†it is clear how Emily’s gender affects how the individuals in the town perceive her. Emily’s gender particularly affects how men understand her. Throughout the whole piece Emily is seen as a helpless individual who is lonely and has suffered losses throughout her life. When the reader reaches the end of the story the actions that Emily has taken is unexpected because of the way she is perceived by the narrator. In the beginning of the story, when the wholeRead MoreA Rose For Emily By William Faulkner1577 Words  | 7 Pagesâ€Å"A Sarah Markins Dr. Bibby ENG 107 February 11, 2015 â€Å"A Rose for Emily†by William Faulkner â€Å"A Rose for Emily†, written by William Faulkner in 1931, follows a series of peculiar events in Miss Emily Griersons life. Written in third person limited, Faulkner utilizes flashbacks to tell of the period between the death of Emily’s father and her own passing. Split into five short sections, the story starts out with the townspeople of Jefferson remembering Emily’s legacy and how each new generation ofRead MoreA Rose For Emily By William Faulkner1552 Words  | 7 PagesRyan Dunn Mrs. Williams English 11 March 11, 2016 In the short story â€Å"A Rose for Emily†by William Faulkner, the reader is given a glimpse of the internal conflict of the main character, living in the past, and the involvement of an over involved society causing the reader to look into the consciousness of an individual haunted by a past and lack of a future. The story is set in a post-Civil War town in the South. He is able to give the reader a glimpse of the practices and attitudes that had unitedRead MoreA Rose For Emily By William Faulkner1507 Words  | 7 Pages1897, William Cuthbert Faulkner was born in New Albany, Mississippi. He stands as one of the most preeminent American writers of the twentieth century. His literary reputation included poetry, novels, short stories, and screenplays. Faulkner won two Pulitzer Prizes for Fiction and the Nobel Prize in Literature. â€Å"A Rose for Emily†is a short fascinating story written by William Faulkner and it was his first short story published in a national m agazine. The story involved an old woman named Emily GriersonRead MoreA Rose For Emily By William Faulkner883 Words  | 4 PagesIn the timeless classic, â€Å"A rose for Emily†by William Faulkner we are introduced to Emily Grierson, a matured sheltered southern woman; born to a proud, aristocratic family presumably during the American Civil War. Through out the short story William Faulkner uses many literary devices such as symbolism, metaphors and allegory to play with â€Å"time†and how time reflects upon his main character Emily Grierson. Emily being one who denies the ability to see time for what it is linear and unchangeableRead MoreA Rose For Emily By William Faulkner1270 Words  | 6 PagesWilliam Faulkner’s short story â€Å"A Rose for Emily†thoroughly examines the life of a strange woman name Emily Grierson who lives in the town of Jefferson. If we examine â€Å"A Rose for Emily†in terms of formalist criticism, we see that the story dramatizes through setting, plot, characterization, and symbolism on how Miss Emily’s life is controlled by a possessive love she had for her father and lover. William Faulkner uses Emily’s life as the protagonist to examine from a formalist aspect. In orderRead MoreA Rose For Emily By William Faulkner1780 Words  | 8 PagesIn 1930, William Faulkner wrote a five-part story entitled â€Å"A Rose for Emily†that follows the life of a young woman named Miss Emily Grierson. Faulkner sets his story in the Old South, soon after the ending of America’s Civil War, and represents the decaying values of the Confederacy (Kirszner Mandell, 2013a, p. 244). One of these values which the text portrays quite often in â€Å"A Rose for Emily†, is the patriarchal custom of society viewing men as having more importance than their female counterpartsRead MoreA Rose For Emily By William Faulkner1277 Words  | 6 PagesMiss Emily Grierson, the main character in the strange short story â€Å"A Rose for Emily†written by William Faulkner. It would be best to examine her in a mental capacity as well as the circumstances that may affect her. Throughout the story, Miss Emily’s unpredictable and eccentric behavior becomes unusual, and the reader, like the townspeople in the story, is left to speculate how Miss Emily has spent years living and sleeping with the body of Homer Barron. An important quote from the story was that
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Scientific Illiteracy/Misinformation, Or The Depletion
Scientific illiteracy/misinformation, or the depletion of accurate scientific information from society, is common across the United States due to increased mediums of communication. In the past scientific misinformation most commonly materialized itself in propaganda and advertising worldwide. Issues such as the eugenics programs during World War II and efforts for the birth control pill in the United States all involved government and privately-sponsored media which skewed the main tenets and evidence of these programs, leading to mass persuasion and scientific misinformation. Nazi Germany, perhaps the most well-known totalitarian power, used their media presence to convince its citizens that the deportation and systematic killing of†¦show more content†¦Therefore citizens of France, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and other European countries were subject to mass misinformation causing them to feel as if they were biologically superior to those who practiced a different religion. More specifically, youth were targeted with children’s books that taught them â€Å"to turn on their Jewish counterparts,†and regard them as untrustworthy and sacrilegious (Monhollen 78). Approximately 6 million Jews were murdered in concentration camps such as Dachau, Auschwitz-Birkenau, and Chelmno, while the Germans were being convinced that they were indeed better in physical appearance, mindset, and all other capabilities than the Jewish people their government was slaughtering. Monhollen asserts that the German people were so influenced by the propa ganda that surrounded them that they â€Å"did nothing to prevent [the Holocaust],†despite evidence of the mass killings circulating in underground, privately-sponsored media (Monhollen 81-82). The propaganda of the Nazi regime spread mass misinformation by repeatedly instilling in the minds of the German citizens the idea that the Aryan race was biologically superior to the Jewish race in physical characteristics and capability. Nearly twenty years after World War II, the United States faced its own issue with private and state-sponsored media and the invention and integration of a new pill that would change the way people looked at women: birth control. The feministShow MoreRelatedStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 Pagesattempting to attribute causes and effects, and basing our conclusions on scientific evidenceâ€â€that is, on data gathered under controlled conditions and measured and interpreted in a reasonably rigorous manner. (See Appendix A for a basic review of research methods used in studies of organizational behavior.) Evidence-based management (EBM) complements systematic study by basing managerial decisions on the best available scientific evidence. For example, we want doctors to make decisions about patient
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Analysis of the Elements of the Intelligence Cycle Essay
Minor Assignment †¢ Analyse the elements of the ‘Intelligence Cycle’. What are its core strengths and weaknesses? Before I begin to analyse the elements of the Intelligence Cycle, I must begin with the definition of ‘Intelligence’. Throughout my research, it became apparent that the acceptance for an accurate definition of ‘Intelligence’ is still an issue to date. One reason could be because experts tend to view ‘intelligence’ through their own specialty, and would be fair to say that this could possibly be because officers within the intelligence community do not have strong bridges connecting them to each other or to policy makers, which would therefore enhance communication and sharing practices of raw findings and improve†¦show more content†¦The phases of the intelligence process include identifying the requirement or direction, collecting information through its various disciplines, processing and exploitation, analysis and production, dissemination and feedback. Throughout my findings more weaknesses and flaws of the intelligence cycle elements were much more apparent than strengths. In theory, the cycle indicates that the elements flow in a cyclical order, but this is indeed inaccurate, as the cycle does not always flow in one direction or in a cycle as it indicates it does. For example, it can move back and forth between collection and analysis before moving on for the processing and exploitation stage where the most resources and time is used. It is also possible that information collected could end up going back to the requirement stage for policy makers to present a new direction requirement and or more information. The intelligence cycle is, nevertheless, of significant value to intelligence and learning about it in theory assists those entering the intelligence business, because it provides insight into the processes, as well as being able to recognise it’s weaknesses in order to focus on building on strengths for the future of effective and efficient intelligence.Show MoreRelatedThe Intelligence Cycle Essay1627 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction The Intelligence Cycle is an [effective], but outdated model. Essentially, it attempts to visualise intelligence as a process, and not merely a product. As such, by attempting a simple outline of a complex procedure, the cycle will be prone to misrepresenting dynamic changes; operational realities and either over, or under value particular parts of the process. However, it’s core strengths lie in it’s simplicity: shifting through the alphabet soup that is the Intelligence Community andRead MoreWeaknesses Of The Intelligence Cycle935 Words  | 4 PagesThus, intelligence cycle process as an integral part of the Intelligence System has intrinsic weaknesses within the â€Å"process†itself due to the interplay of different pathologies within the system. It may emanate in every phase of the process from Planning and Direction, Collection, Processing, Analysis and Production, and Dissemination. Julian Richards in his book â€Å"The art and science of intellige nce analysis†discussed the problems associated with intelligence cycle. The sources of failures inRead MoreThe Future Of Erp Business Applications1675 Words  | 7 PagesKennedy, Infor, and Epicor are driving leadership in this space. Outside of many born-in-the-cloud deployments, these systems have proven to be extremely expensive, but they also take along time to implement. Because of these lengthy implementation cycles, enterprises are forced into a no-win choice: build for today and get it done quicker or guess where your organization will be in 3-5 years and build towards it. While many of these systems have been designed to be used by internal employees to increaseRead MoreThe Vision Of The Department Of Homeland Security1611 Words  | 7 Pagesoften described as being decentralized. Perhaps the biggest reason for this decentralization is the need of these individual agencies to desire a sense of autonomy which in turn leads to tension amongst the various components as well as headquarter elements. Only by implementing a stable, sustained sense of leadership within DHS, can there be any chance of creating positive lasting change across the various agencies. Furthermore, this sustained leadership will ai de by helping to foster a culture inRead MoreBusiness Intelligence Is The Gathering And Analysis Essay1175 Words  | 5 PagesBusiness Intelligence Business Intelligence is the gathering and analysis of large amounts of information so as to gain insights that propagate strategic and tactical business decisions. Business Intelligence is the conglomeration of the processes and technologies which change data into information. It encompasses a wide category of technologies, including data warehousing, multidimensional analysis or online analytical processing, data mining and visualization, as well as basic queries and multipleRead MoreBusiness Intelligence Is The Gathering And Analysis1229 Words  | 5 Pages Business Intelligence Business Intelligence is the gathering and analysis of large amounts of information so as to gain insights that propagate strategic and tactical business decisions. Business Intelligence is the conglomeration of the processes and technologies which change data into information. It encompasses a wide category of technologies, including data warehousing, multidimensional analysis or online analytical processing, data mining and visualizationRead MoreThe Army As A Staff Sergeant906 Words  | 4 PagesOperations in Iraq by creating Annex B to the CJSOTF-I Umbrella Concept, conducted liaison activities with CENTCOM Counterintelligence units in order to establish proper Counterintelligence Investigation and Intelligence reporting structure, advised Coalition Partners on Identity Intelligence Operations, as well as providing Counterintelligence Force Protection updates. In addition, I established the Tactical Counterintelligence Operations Portal, which allows all Counterintelligence Age nts the abilityRead MoreBusiness Intelligence Is The Gathering And Analysis Essay1214 Words  | 5 PagesBusiness Intelligence Business Intelligence is the gathering and analysis of large amounts of information so as to gain insights that propagate strategic and tactical business decisions. Business Intelligence is the mix of the processes and technologies which change data into information. It includes a wide category of technologies, including data warehousing, multidimensional analysis or online analytical processing, data mining and visualization, as well as basic queries and multiple types ofRead MoreThe Director Of National Intelligence1056 Words  | 5 PagesDirector of National Intelligence(DNI) was created to replace the Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) in 2004? Which legislation created the DNI? The creation of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) was the result 9/11 and the recommendations of the WMD and the 9/11 Commissions. Its primary drivers were Congressional concerns that the intelligence community was stuck in a cold war paradigm, lack the collaboration needed for a new threats, and perceived failures of intelligence leadership. UnsatisfiedRead MoreDefinition Of Business Intelligence ( Bi ) Essay1255 Words  | 6 Pages Definition of Business Intelligence (BI) A strategic BI starts with elements of Business Intelligence. BI strategy includes the competitive advantages in the planning process. It begins with a comprehensive view from both technical and business standpoint. What to look for - Fully adopted BI tools that support both short term and long term goals of the company. The Short term strategy must be framed so as to underpin the long term ones. The assessment Session- Recognizing the values of the company
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Should Abortion Be Legalized - 1680 Words
In the United States in 1848 the Women’s Rights Movement began and a little shy of 100 years later in 1920, women all across the nation were said to have finally gained their rights. A hot topic that is one of the most refuted in today’s society is abortion. One may not see abortion to be acceptable, although, does it make it right to take away that right from someone else? It has taken women a lot of fight and willpower to gain rights to their own bodies, illegalizing abortion would take that right away. Therefore, the question is, should abortion continue to be legalized? First and foremost, abortion can be seen as a way of having full control over one’s personal body. For instance, a young girl may make the wrong decision and end up†¦show more content†¦Many children in foster homes or within the government system find it hard to find nurturing and caring homes. Therefore, the young girl has decided as a mother of that unborn child to prevent a burden on both the child and herself. Not only can the girl be young, but many women get raped. If abortion was illegalized, the victimized women would either have to raise a child that would just be a reminder of the incident or put a burden on the child by having to live life wondering who its mother is, why she left, and when they will find their forever home. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) performed a study on 8,000 men and 8,000 women, â€Å"among the survey findings are that intimate partner violence is pervasive in U.S. society, with nearly 25 percent of surveyed women and 7.6 percent of surveyed men reporting that they were raped and/or physically assaulted by a current or former spouse, cohabiting partner, or date at some time in their lifetime†(Tjaden and Thoennes). These numbers show the number of women and men who fall victim to rape, a fourth of women are raped, this should rise the question of how many men were careless to get the woman pregnant? I t was not the woman’s choice to become pregnant, nor would they want to bring a child of their rapist into the world. Along with young and promiscuous girls, and women who fall victim of rape,
Drug Monitoring Program Free Essays
While the war on drugs has seemingly gotten better, there is a certain type of drug that is becoming increasingly difficult to keep track of and control. Most people would have never thought that pharmaceutical drugs would be the cause of more deaths in the state of Florida than heroin and cocaine related deaths combined in 2007. Nearly 550 of those death happened in the Tampa Bay area, leading this to becoming one of the biggest drug abuse crisis in quite some time. We will write a custom essay sample on Drug Monitoring Program or any similar topic only for you Order Now A drug monitoring program would be such a program that keeps track of the dispensing of pharmaceuticals, mainly controlled substances, that would potentially disable distribution of street drugs, put a halt to â€Å"doctor shopping†, put doctors that write fake scripts under the radar, hopefully reduce the amount of people that become dependent upon narcotics and diminish the number of people of overdosing on these lethal prescription drugs. A study was conducted by an independent contractor to assess the proficiency of drug monitoring programs. The research showed that in states where a drug program was in place the supply of illegally obtained pharmaceuticals and the likelihood of abuse was significantly reduced. The study also showed that if law enforcement, rather than health oriented officials, were the ones to monitor the information there was a greater chance of success in reducing pharmaceutical abuse. Florida is currently one of the only states that does not have a drug monitoring program in place. For years, lawmakers in Florida have turned down such programs saying cost and privacy as their main concerns. Even the federal government has offered the state money, many states have already bought in; however, Florida has not. Some lawmakers state â€Å"programs are too expensive†and worry about â€Å"placing private patient information in the hands of the government†(Tisch, VanSickle, 2008). Thirty four other states, however, do have programs in place. Surrounding states such as: Alabama, Kentucky, Louisiana, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Texas all have drug monitoring programs. Kentucky’s KASPER program â€Å"started in 1999 as a fax-based system and in 2005 was converted to the first self-service, Web-based system of its kind. It tracks all schedule II-IV controlled substance prescriptions dispensed by licensed pharmacists within the common wealth and helps medical practitioners physicians, pharmacists and law enforcement fight â€Å"doctor shopping.†A KASPER report shows all scheduled prescriptions for an individual over a specified time period, the prescriber and the dispenser†(KASPER grant release, 2008). Additionally, Indiana’s INSPECT program require licensed pharmacies in Indiana are required to report dispension of schedule II controlled substances. In early 2004, grant funding through the Harold Rogers grant program, helped create INSPECT in its current form. Additional funding for the programs is provided by the state itself and all data collection and maintenance are handled in-house, meaning information is only accessible to registered users and through a secure Web site connection that is run by program staff. With the death toll rising, along with the number of those addicted, it would be impossible for me as a member of the health care community to deny the obvious need for a drug monitoring program in Florida. Before reading the plethora of articles available on the subject, I knew there was a problem; I suppose I just wasn’t aware of how severe it really was. I am shocked it has gotten to the point it has without intervention and to be honest a bit embarrassed of the burden we have become to surrounding states. I don’t have experience dealing with pharmaceutical abuse in my nursing practice as of yet. I do, unfortunately, have experience dealing with the all too commonly abused oxycodone in interpersonal relationships. I have seen the damage it can do to people firsthand. The way it can slowly steal someone you love, replacing them with someone you don’t know at all. These drugs can have incredible therapeutic benefits if used in the context intended, but are too often used for reasons far beyond detrimental. I truly hope the information I have learned doesn’t ever make me doubt anyone who says they are in pain, but I can’t see how it won’t. I will not, however, deny anyone in my care pain relief if they say they need it. How to cite Drug Monitoring Program, Papers
Quality Improvement In Health Care Guidelines Introduced by WHO
Question: Discuss about the Quality Improvement In Health Care. Answer: Introduction: With the emerging problems with the complex lifestyle in this generation the health standards are decra4sing as well. There are many a public health concerns that are rising every day. Infections have emerged as one of the most dreadful public health concern in this age. Hospital acquired infection are one of the prime reasons for causing further complications for the patients and increasing hospital stay time and the cost. Furthermore this particular complication if not attended properly can create fatal complications for critically ill patients as well (Wolf, Doane and Thompson, 2015). Hence, there have been infection control policies enforced by the world health organization as a global health care authority that has been overlooking the heath care standards over the years. The hand hygiene policy is considered to be the most important infection control policies that have been incorporated worldwide to minimize the rate of hospital acquired infections. However, many a developing c ountries are still not complying with the practice protocols set forth by WHO and the patients are paying the price for it (WHO, 2017). This assignment will focus on determining the causes behind the noncompliance to hand hygiene in nurses and attempts to formulate a quality improvement plan for the same taking an Indian small hospital as an example. Intended improvement: The major reason behind the massive noncompliance in the developing countries that has been determined by extensive research has been the absolute lack of knowledge regarding any aspects of the hand hygiene policies. In the developing countries the lack of enough infrastructure and extensive training program is a contributing factor that the healthcare staff is mostly unaware of the changes to the health care practice policies and protocols (Ward, 2017). This is the major reason why the nursing staff as well does not get access to the improvements to teh practice standards and continues with the back dated polices t health care setting. In order to ascertain the compliance to the hand hygiene policy in the nursing staff of lifeline hospital of India, training and educating the staff about the benefits of the hand hygiene policy will be required. The model chosen for this training and quality improvement program, the model chosen is the PDSA model. PDSA stands for Plan Do Study and Act, which is the standard procedure for health care quality improvement program. Albeit being a extremely powerful tool, it is simple and easy adaptable to any improvement scenario, and hence is abundantly used. As mentioned above this model have four interlinked variable starting with planning, doing, studying, and acting (Stowell et al., 2014). The first variable is planning which is concerned with planning the activities prior to implementing them to ascertain a well organised improvement plan. In which settings you are you are required to plan the activities that will be implemented in the improvement programs. For example educational seminars, workshops, and training programs to explain to the nurses the benefits of hand hygiene policy and how that would help in protecting the nurse is from any Hospital acquired infections and also protecting the patients. The next item to this model is doing, in this article of variable the implemented plan in the previous section will be implemented on a small scale of population are subject population to test out the viability of the plan. In which part the quality improvement program leader will evaluate the viability and efficacy of the planning that will be able to implement the changes that are required to be achieved in this quality of improvement program (Smiddy, O'Connell Creedon, 2015). The next step to PDSA cycle is to study the results that the previous activity could formulate. This particular step is associated with data collection and data analysis to evaluate the efficacy of the entire plan. In last step which is acting will be concerned with incorporating revisions and improvisations to the plant on the basis of the small scale tryout. In order to ensure that the quality improvement program will be absolutely effective, it is vital to plan the activities accordingly (Siddiqui et al., 2017). The aim of this quality improvement program will be to incorporate better knowledge and better understanding in the nursing staff about hand hygiene policy and the benefits of it. The activities for this quality improvement program will include educational seminars, presentations using interactive graphics, interactive workshops and on hand demonstration policies to ensure that the nursing staff in the small Indian hospital has access to all the literature and understandin g to incorporate compliance to the hand hygiene policy. However prior to that, it will be beneficial to assess the level of knowledge that the nursing staff of the Indian small Hospital already have on the subject of hand hygiene policy. Along with that it will always be beneficial to elicit information on why and how the non compliance to hand hygiene protocol has been initiated in the Lifeline Hospital. Gaining information on how the nursing staffs feels about the hand hygiene policy will be beneficial for incorporating changes that will be adapted to the situation of the Indian small Hospital. After the entire planning question so it will be required to assess the level of compliant that the quality improvement plan could facilitate. In order to achieve this goal a measurement plan has to be incorporated into the quality improvement program. For this case scenario the quality improvement program will include measurement of the percentage of the compliance of the nursing staff to the hand hygiene policy. Planning of the interventions: In order to create an accurate and effective quality improvement plan it is title to standardise the research study setting. Standardizing the setting will allow the improvement program leader to design a well organised and curated plan of action that will serve the purpose of the research study effectively and will be the most effective and adaptive to the case scenario at hand. What is research study the purpose is to incorporate effective and absolute compliance to hand hygiene policy. As discussed about the hand hygiene policy has been introduced by the World Health Organisation as a Global Health authority and all the Healthcare facilities along with the clothes are required to comply with this infection Control Programme to ensure minimum Hospital acquired infections as possible. The research setting that has been opted for this assignment has been a small Hospital authority of a developing country India. On a more elaborative note this Hospital is a small scale Hospital with m inimum infrastructure to start with. The patient accommodation for this Hospital is minimal, with just two storey Hospital setting. The speciality wards in the hospital are not many, just a critical care unit, a maternal care unit, respiratory and cardiac unit, and an emergency unit. The number of beds per unit is 20 to 25 maximum. The subject population or subject setting opted for this assignment will be the respiratory and cardiac care ward as the chances for infection are the maximum in case of these two complicated healthcare concerns (Roy, 2017). Another important aspect of any improvement program is standardizing and determining the target group. The target group selected for this assignment is the registered nurses and enrolled nurse is that are working in the respiratory and Cardiac unit of the small scale hospital in India. The rationale behind choosing this group of nurses is the fact that the studies suggests most of the infections on a more precise note the most Hospital acquired infections are prevalent in the respiratory and cardiac unit due to the abundance of machinery and clinical tools that are used in those two wards. In the quality improvement design we have also incorporated the number of nurses working purchased to better understand the manner and method of implementing these interventions to initiate the best results. As a matter of fact the Lifeline hospital that has been selected for this assignment has 45 nurses working in the entire hospital and the respiratory and Cardiac Care Unit has been allotted 10 nurses. Our intervention program will target all the nurses at a working in the night shift in the each unit to ensure that the minimal damage is done to the daily patterns of working and caring of the patients (Rai et al., 2017). The next step to the model is outlining the intervention program that will be implemented on the nurse population selected. As mentioned about the major reason behind the massive non compliance to hand hygiene policy in the nursing population is due to the lack of education, training and understanding about the benefits and advantages of such infection control policies. Text in order to enforce compliance to the hand hygiene policy in the nursing population selected it will be required educate them train them and explain to them the benefits of using hand hygiene as a daily protocol to the nursing schedule. The quality improvement program will incorporate all the education and training programs that could be provided to the nursing population of the selected hospital to ensure compliance to the hand hygiene policy and it will include hand hygiene workshops, seminars and presentations to make them understand the benefits of use using hand hygiene policy and also demonstrated programs and interactive test to ensure that they have understood how to incorporate hand hygiene in today daily schedule with clarity and transparency (Ng, Shaban van de Mortel, 2017). The intervention program will begin with an intern introductory beginning scale presentations to explain to them the benefits of hand hygiene policy and how the hospital authority is that have incorporated hand hygiene policies have benefited from it. Experienced and comprehensive speakers from the field of Healthcare and infection control will be participating in this presentation with interactive learning module to ensure that the nursing population selected has the best chance understand all the aspects of hand hygiene policy clearly. After all the academic training about hand hygiene policy, the introduction of it and the establishment of it, the nurses will be demonstrated the activities, the when the why and the how's of hand hygiene policy in a healthcare setting. It has to be understood that regardless of academically training the nurses of the small scale hospital setting will not be enough to integrate hand hygiene policy to the daily schedule. Education about hand hygiene policy, how it will benefit the patients and how it will protect the nurses themselves from different infections will generate the understanding of the need of hand hygiene policy in the health care setting but it will not explain to them how they can incorporate hand hygiene policy into the daily schedule. To achieve that goal the nurses will have to be demonstrated and allowed to experience in hand in a workshop setting. Here's the second part of the intervention program will be elaborative and interactive workshop setting where the exp erienced and renowned personnels of infection control Programme of World Health Organisation will demonstrate the name the easy and simple 5 moments of hand hygiene program. This program will demonstrate to the process in a practical setting when how and why incorporate hand hygiene in the daily health care setting of the work schedule. There after the necessity allowed to perform hand hygiene in all the variables of the 5 moments of hand hygiene program, that is before touching a patient, before our safety procedures, before and after body fluid exposure, after touching the patient, and after touching the patient surroundings. An interactive and comprehensive educational leaflet will be provided to the nurses post the workshop to ensure that they retain all they have learned in the seminar and workshop for years to come (Nair et al., 2014). The last and most important step of this quality improvement program will be measuring the changes that the intervention program was able to bring in order to do so and interactive contest will be held in which the tennis objects will be supplied a set of questionnaires on hand hygiene policy that they have to fill up based on the knowledge they have gained in the seminar and workshop programs and later on they will be monitored periodically in their working setting. In this evaluative measurement program the data will be collected from the filled out questionnaires and the performance of the nurses in the daily activities. The data will be analysed to ensure the progress the quality of improvement program could bring to the daily work schedule of the subject nurses (Morelli, 2016). In order to articulate all the intervention programs that has been a part of this quality improvement the stakeholders associated with this setting that is the hostel management the clinical Champions and opinion leaders that have been invited to participate in the presentation and seminars will be informed and consented before the beginning of this quality improvement program. In order to ascertain the ethical justification of this quality improvement programme the nurse subjects and all the other stakeholders associated with this program will be briefed and their wilful consent will be elicited (McCalla et al., 2017). Measuring best practice: Quality improvement programme will be incomplete without an accurate and demonstrative data collection and data analysis procedure. In order to ascertain that the nursing population selected from the program have understood the benefits of hand hygiene policy and will diligently comply to it the data collection is necessary by all means. As mentioned above after the successful completion of the workshop setting a set of Questionnaires will be distributed to the subject nose population to and short the level of understanding about hand hygiene and afterwards their performance with the patient on the basis of compliance to hand hygiene policy will be measured periodically. The data will be collected every big to track the progress of the improvement program and evaluate the efficacy of the program in generating compliance. The data will be collected with the help of Earth hand hygiene compliance checklist that will be prepared by the improvement program team (Lapinski et al., 2013). The data collection will be carried out by the nursing managers and also the improvement program leaders and clinical Champions that have been brought forward into the hospital setting to reduce hand hygiene in the life line hospital. The data collection procedure will be real time observing the performance of the nurses throughout the work schedule and then their performance will be audited. This change strategy will be implemented on a small setting first that is the night shift nurses and on the basis of the success of the strategy it will be implemented on the other group of nurses. As mentioned above to justify the justification of this improvement program the privacy will be maintained at any circumstances and the data collected will be dealt with extreme confidentiality (Lanning, 2014). Quality improvement programme will be incomplete without an accurate and demonstrative data collection and data analysis procedure. In order to ascertain that the nursing population selected from the program have understood the benefits of hand hygiene policy and will diligently comply to it the data collection is necessary by all means. As mentioned above after the successful completion of the workshop setting a set of Questionnaires will be distributed to the subject nose population to and short the level of understanding about hand hygiene and afterwards their performance with the patient on the basis of compliance to hand hygiene policy will be measured periodically. The data will be collected every big to track the progress of the improvement program and evaluate the efficacy of the program in generating compliance. The data will be collected with the help of hand hygiene compliance checklist that will be prepared by the improvement program team (Langoya Fuller, 2015). The data collection will be carried out by the nursing managers and also the improvement program leaders and clinical Champions that have been brought forward into the hospital setting to reduce hand hygiene in the life line hospital. The data collection procedure will be real time observing the performance of the nurses throughout the work schedule and then their performance will be audited. This change strategy will be implemented on a small setting first that is the night shift nurses and on the basis of the success of the strategy it will be implemented on the other group of nurses. As mentioned above to justify the justification of this improvement program the privacy will be maintained at any circumstances and the data collected will be dealt with extreme confidentiality (Huis et al., 2013). Data analysis: The next step to the program will be the analysis of the collected data, in order to bring order to this program the data will be collected every week as the improvement program progresses. As the data collected are real time data the analysis procedure opted will be qualitative. The analysis of the data will be presented as bar graphs and charts on the bases if percentage of compliance and accuracy. The progress of the subjects will be displayed each week on the common notice board of the health care facility to ensure that the participants can assess their progress. At the end of each week progress analysis meeting will be held with the Healthcare management and definitions of the hospital with the quality improvement team to assess and evaluate the problems that the nurses are making. Thrilling the feedback about the performance of the nurses before and after the following improvement plan will not only facilities more sincere effort from the nurses and but also generate understan ding about efficacy of the program so that other Health Care units can utilize these programs to improve their care standards (Hagel et al., 2015). Conclusion: On a concluding note it can be said that the healthcare organizations and authorities are taking adequate steps to ensure the best quality of Health Care provided to each and every individual of our society. It has to be understood that his day is not a commodity that can be purchased based on the socio economic status of the individuals. Rather Healthcare is a basic necessity that each and every sector of our society has a right to regardless of the social economic or racial aspects. Infection control policies were introduced on the foundation of this motto, to ensure that every patient has a safe comfortable and optimal experience in any Healthcare facilities that the witch to access in any part of the word. Healthcare practice guidelines like this that are enforced by the Global authorities have the purpose of enforcing the best care standards for the patients regardless of the fact that the demographic restrictions do not affect the quality of care. However in many developing countries the healthcare facilities have no access or infrastructure to introduce these improved and effective guidelines to ensure best practice. This periodic quality improvement program and assessment can help small scale hospitals in developing areas to incorporate best practices in Healthcare so that the patients are not deprived of quality care. References: Allegranzi, B., Gayet-Ageron, A., Damani, N., Bengaly, L., McLaws, M. L., Moro, M. L., ... Donaldson, L. (2013). 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Monday, May 4, 2020
Information Technology Security Report
Question: Describe about the Information Technology Security? Answer: Abstract Information security is an issue that is becoming more important as we are becoming more and more dependent on information technology and Internet. In this paper, it will find details about IT security that is a sub domain of information security. Different security attacks, counter measures, real life statistics about information security will be discussed in the report. It will find out the importance of IT security in our lives. Introduction Information security or InfoSec is an issue that is always an issue with information technology and its applications. With the emergence of information technology, the issues with information security have not reduced, rather those are also growing in number day by day. The attackers are also using the new technologies to update the patterns of their attack. The emergence of social media, internet of things, cloud computing etc. have make Internet more popular among people, more data are now getting transmitted over the internet, there are lots or devices other than laptops and computers that are connected with the Internet. Huge amount of personal and sensitive information about individuals, banking details, credit card information and other kind of business information are shared across such devices over the internet. So, attackers are more interested in stealing these information. Use of cloud computing has added the concept of virtualization. There are various information securit y issues with cloud computing that are hard to overcome as these issues are very inherent to cloud computing platform. There are regulatory, laws, legislation that enforces information security and implements security standard for securing our digital information. However, that does not provide much help. There are several dimensions of information security attacks, countermeasures of those attack. But the truth is, there is no way to stop these attacks all together. So prevention is the solution. There are best practices and other kind of information security implementations that can help in this context. (Whitman Mattord, 2011) In this report there will be extensive literature review on information security in the context of information technology or IT security, different methods followed in IY security, results and finding of IT security etc. Literature Review Information security is the process of securing physical ad digital format of data from some individual. It secures data from unauthorized access, deletion, modification etc. IT security is a sub domain of information security domain. IT security is more centered to computer and internet security. Thus, it needs to understand computer and network security for better understanding or IT security. It is hard to separate computer security and network security. Even discussion on IT security without considering information security, is not possible. Every fields are closely connected and dependent on each other. Computer is an electronic device capable of input/output of data, processing, storage and decision making on those data. Now the range of computers or computing devices has been expanded. Now laptops, smart phone etc., all comes under the category of computing devices. On the other hand a network is a system of connected computers and devices capable of sharing and transmission of information across the network. There are different types of private and public networks. For example, there is public network such as Internet. (Bishop, 2004) Thus, the whole infrastructure is a combination of the mechanisms and processes that connects a wide range of digital equipment and networks. It should facilitate data transmission. Securing the whole infrastructure refers to the notion of all tools, techniques etc. for giving protection to the hardware, software and data in the infrastructure. There should be no unauthorized or unintended access to data or systems, no accidental or intentional change or deletion of data etc. The reliance on computerized systems and internet are growing day by day, so the need for IT security is also growing. Sometimes the term IT security is used synonymously with the term cyber security. In general physical security of these assets and infrastructure is not considered to be an integral part of IT security, but an argument says that physical security should be considered as it gives full unauthorized access control to data that is stolen, or it can damage data. Thus it is considered to be a worse example of IT security breaches. There are some principles of information security and IT security is supposed to conform to those principles also. It says any cyber or IT security infrastructure should provide features like confidentiality, integrity and availability of the data and infrastructure. If the implementation or the infrastructure conforms to these features, then it will be considered as a secure system. Confidentiality is the process of making the data secure from any kind of unauthorized access. There are processes like authorization, authentication etc. that helps in implementing confidentiality in some system. Integrity refers to the process of ensuring that data is not damaged or modified by some unauthorized user. Thus legitimate user will get the pure form of data. This can be ensured by cryptographic solution like encryption, decryption. Digital signature etc. Availability ensures data will always be available to the legitimate users whenever required. There are processes like access control that ensures this. (Andress, 2014) IT security covers protection of data, hardware computing infrastructure and users. Data protection is available when data is in rest or in transit. There are various types of IT security attacks and countermeasures. Methods of IT Security Attacks Other than common virus attacks, attacks from hackers, theft of information, there are different kind of attacks like exploitation of system vulnerability, denial of services, backdoors, spoofing, tampering, exploitation, direct access attacks and many more. Exploitation of vulnerabilities There may be some weaknesses in a system that dampens the assurance of information security in the system. Sometimes these are hard to detect in advance. In some specific circumstances the vulnerability can be prominent or it may be hidden until some attacker exploits the vulnerability. There are three constraints to be met before exploitation of some vulnerability. Those are, There should be susceptibility or flaw in the system. An attacker should have access to the flaw. The attacker should be able to exploit the flaw. There are tools and techniques that are used by attackers for exploiting some vulnerability in a system. The vulnerability is sometimes termed as attack surface. Sometimes a security risk associated to an IT system is also called as vulnerability. However this is confusing. Risks have some significant losses. But vulnerability may not have some loss even if those are exploited. Thus a risk will be a vulnerability but every vulnerability may not be a risk. Denial-of-service attack Denial of service attack is a special kind of attack that does not try to get unauthorized access to some information system, rather it makes the system unavailable to the legitimate users. Victims are denied from getting the services from some system and the process is deliberately done by the attackers. Some examples of such attacks are, flooding a network with traffic overload and making down it, repeatedly entering wrong password on behalf of some user and making some system unreachable to them etc. Prevention of such attacks are very difficult. As it needs analysis of the total IT infrastructure and network for analysis of the patterns and behavior of the network. There are variation of this attack, for example DDoS or Distributed Denial of Service attack. In this case, a large number of zombie systems or compromised systems are used to make a botnet. Then there are some worms or virus, spread through victim network. The botnet sends overwhelming traffic thought the worms and makes the victim network unusable to the legitimate users. The victim network is flooded with simple network requests. The technique is to make the networking resources exhausted so that the network goes down. Other than that, there is another method to do DoS attack. That is using attack amplifier. There may be weakness in the network protocol design for a network. For example, poorly designed protocol like DNS, NTP etc. The attacker exploits some operating system vulnerability and instructs the poorly designed protocols to generate excessive flood that is unmanageable to the network. As a result the system or network get crashed and becomes unavailable. (Pfleeger Pfleeger, 2012) Backdoors Backdoor is a process that let enter into some information system of cryptosystem without going through the authentication process or any other means of secure access. The attempts of bypassing are kept undetected by the system and its security infrastructure. There is some special type of asymmetric encryption based attacks that resists the security system and helps reverse engineering even after detection and analysis. There may be specific computer application that is installed on the victim system or it may modify some already installed application on the victim system as a backdoor application. Even some hardware part of the system can be modified as backdoor application. Rootkit is a special form of backdoor application. It replaces the system binaries. Then it may hook into the process of function calling by the OS and makes it hidden to legitimate applications, services and users. Even it may supply wrong information to the application about resources and makes the system malfunctioning. Eavesdropping Eavesdropping happens to the data while transmitted through a transmission channel. It listen to the transmitting data. When there is a data transmission between two hosts in a network, then eavesdropping sneaks into the streaming conversation. Some specific application that helps in this process are installed on the ISPs. For example, application like NarusInsight, Carnivore etc. However, there are chances that a closed system may be a victim of eavesdropping. In this case the electromagnetic signal that carries data among different hardware parts of the system can be monitored secretly. For example, a specification called TEMPEST. (Bishop, 2004) Spoofing Spoofing is the process of masquerading a legitimate user by falsifying the credentials of the legitimate user. There are various protocols in the TCP/IP protocol suite that helps in authentication mechanisms. These mechanisms are implemented in the source or destination of some message. These protocols are vulnerable to spoofing. Thus these needs extra cautions while implementation. Before sending or receiving messages using these protocols the applications are needed to be sure of the identity of the sender or receiver. There are attacks like ARP spoofing attack, IP spoofing attack etc. These are a kind of man in the middle attacks in some computer network. Malware attacks Malicious software or malware are software that are used for disrupting the normal operation of some system or computers, gaining access to some data in an unauthorized way, gathering sensitive and critical information by stealing those etc. Intentionally malware are used for stealing information from some system. These are used by hackers and attackers as some tools. Some examples of prominent malware are, Regin, CryptoLocker, Stuxnet etc. (Davis, Bodmer, LeMasters, 2009) There are different types of application that comes under the malware category. Those applications include worms, computer viruses, spyware, Trojans, adware, ransomware, scareware and many more. A malware can take different application format. For example, active content, executable, scripts, code blocks etc. Other than attackers, malware are intentionally supplied by companies for different market research. For example, Sony used Sony Rootkit with the CDs sold by them. However, the process is illegal. (Blunden, 2013) Computer viruses and Trojans are some special kind of malware that are spread through replication. Once a system is infected by some of these viruses, it then replicates itself through the data files, programs, storage, boot sectors etc. on the infected hosts the viruses do some nuisances sometimes. Or sometimes they just be dormant. Common problems with viruses are spamming, corruption of data, unauthorized access or stealth of information, stealing computing resources like memory, CPU cycles etc., display of error messages, key stroke logging etc. Computer viruses are just piece of codes and those are used for exploitation of security vulnerabilities in IT systems, computers and applications. Social Engineering With reference to information security, social engineering is a psychological manipulation of the peoples information and finding out the sensitive ones. The goal of social engineering is to play a confidence trick that helps in gathering information from people and use of those information in system access, fraud etc. There are different types of social engineering techniques. Most of these are based on decision making process by humans or cognitive biases. These are also termed as bugs in human hardware. Similar to the software vulnerabilities in information systems, these cognitive biases are also exploited by the attackers. (Hadnagy, 2010) Attackers use different combinations of social engineering attacks and steals information from victims. Some of the common techniques are, Pretexting Pretexting or blagging is the process of creation or usage of some scenario (invented ones) to involve the victim into the scenario. Personal information like social security number, credit card information etc. are stolen using this techniques. Phishing Phishing is the process of obtaining private information of some individual in an illegal way. For example, there are phishing email sent by attackers to target victims. When the victim opens, replies to the email, it asks for some sensitive information like bank details, credit card details etc. if the user steps into the trap and share the same. Then these information are stolen and the user becomes the victim. Insider Attack Insider attack is very common in organization. It refers to the cases when some person like employee or staffs of an organization steals information from the systems of the organization. Other than that there are software based insider attacks. For example, damaging information, eavesdrop, stealth of information etc. Even there may be DoS attacks from inside of the organization. (Pfleeger Pfleeger, 2012) Security Countermeasures There are also different security countermeasures that helps to deal with the security breaches and implementation of security in some IT infrastructure. Generally the term countermeasure with reference to computer security means, the action or measurement taken to reduce some attack, vulnerability or threat by prevention or elimination, or minimization of impact. Some of the common countermeasures to deal with different kinds of IT security attacks are discussed below, Vulnerability Management There is a cyclic process of managing vulnerabilities in a system. It deals with identification, classification, remediation and mitigation of vulnerabilities in some system. It must be noted that these vulnerabilities are software related. Thus vulnerability management is an integral part of IT security. There are special kind of vulnerability scanner for analyzing an information system for vulnerabilities like insecurities and open loopholes in configuration of the installed software, open ports, malware susceptibilities etc. Still there are risks of zero day vulnerability attacks that are harder to overcome. However, there are scanning methods like fuzz testing that may indicate zero day vulnerability attacks. There are other vulnerabilities like buffer overflow etc. these can be identified using test cases and automated testing process. There are anti-virus software that can carry out heuristic analysis and find out different malwares. (FitzGerald Dennis, 2009)There are system p atches and updates that helps in overcoming the vulnerabilities in a system. Other measurement like firewall etc. also helps to some extent. Information System Design and Security While designing an information system at the first place, the security of the system should be taken care of. There should be proper design and development of the system, there should be enough testing and implementation for the security infrastructure of the system. An ideal secure system is unreal to have. However, different sets of security measures can be implemented or followed as a part of the process. Some of these techniques are, Proper implementation of access control across the system is very necessary. There will be different types of users associated with the system, all will not require same data or are not supposed to have same degree of visibility of data. Thus user access control along with various cryptographic measurements can help. Use of antivirus, IDS, firewall etc. makes the system secure from different types of virus attack, insider attack, malware attacks etc. Firewall is a very primitive and basic security implementation used in information systems. However, proper configuration of firewall is very important otherwise, there will be no use of firewalls. The system will be vulnerable. There may be hardware based or software based firewall. IDS or Intrusion Detection Systems are used for detection of different kind of attacks in networks. IDS systems can help in different forensic analysis in post analysis scenarios, log servers, audit trails etc. It is important to have proper response system that can assess the security requirement of some information systems. There are various difficulties in implementation of proper responses to some attack. Identification of some security attack in information systems is difficult. Use of Cryptography Computer codes are some form of mathematical and logical statements. So, theoretically is can proved to be correct or not. However, the feasibility of such proofs are not possible or beyond computational limits sometime. (Pieprzyk, Hardjono, Seberry, 2003) There are several proofs and processes in cryptography that helps in computer security. Some of those are, Protection of information while data is in transit or there is data communication between two hosts. Encryption and decryption is a method from this class. These are like different kind of handshaking using hidden and shared keys, digital signatures etc. Other than the intended party, some encrypted message will look like meaningless word cloud to anyone. There are cryptanalysis systems that in turns checks the vulnerabilities in the cryptographic systems. Thus the process is double checked. Making Hardware Secure Hardware are also sources of system vulnerability and attackers can break into some information system through breaches of hardware. There are common hardware sources like USB, BIOS etc. are common vulnerability sources. For example, the microchip vulnerability is the chip of a computer system was introduced during the manufacturing of the chips. This is an example of hardware based attack. (Pfleeger Pfleeger, 2012) It is considered to be best practice to restrict the use of USB dongles, disabling USB ports etc. Stronger cryptography based security standards and algorithms like AES etc. can help in this context. Awareness In most of the cases, especially in social engineering based cases, it has been seen that individuals and organizations are not enough aware of security issues, vulnerability of their systems etc. Studies have shown that most of the small businesses are not using information security implementation in their business because those are costly and they dont find any direct benefit from those implementations. But these small businesses carry on online transaction about customer information, credit card details etc. and these are very lucrative target option to attackers. They can easily breach into the systems of such businesses and steal data. In such cases, the organization will not have survival threat only, there will be legal threats. (Bishop, 2004) Such kind of lack of awareness about information security makes the systems, individuals and businesses more vulnerable. Implementation of some security measures without understanding the contexts will not help to mitigate cyber-crimes and security issues. If people become more aware then only these problems can be handled efficiently. Information systems are prone to vulnerabilities. Those cannot be ignored but the security can be optimized. Laws and Legislation Information security has become a serious issue to all country and governments. With the rising number of cyber-crimes these have become more critical. So, there are cyber-crime laws and legislation in all countries around the world. Each country and legislation has data privacy and protection acts. Data privacy acts ensures that when data is shared over the network among the hosts, individuals or organization, the data will not be accessed by some unauthorized entity. Every information system, user and organization need to agree on some data privacy policy before sharing data. Data protection acts ensures data will be protected when stored, processed and transmitted. This is the responsibility of some organization that has requested and obtained data from individual. Other than that there are various ethical issues related to information security. However, the laws and legislation about the information security, virus attacks etc. changes from country to country in a very tricly way. Current trends in IT security There are various information security labs, research institutes etc. that are observing the trends and statistics of information security for years. According to the studies of such labs following trends are supposed to prevail information security domain in current year. There are a number of vulnerabilities in the systems used in different organizations of the world, as the number of information system, technologies are rising, so are the number of vulnerabilities. With the emergence of cloud computing etc. these are becoming more problematic. (Tsai, Lin, Chang, Chen, 2010) With the rising of the concept of internet of things there are new types of attacks for these systems. The devices in internet of things use wireless systems and standards for data transmission, networking and processing. But the manufacturers have failed to implement the primitive security implementation and standards. Studies have found several issues in the wireless routers and standards used in such devices. It has been seen in different scenarios that attackers are targeting accounting systems of organizations for breaching into the financial data of some organization. Small businesses are in higher risks than bigger enterprises. Bigger enterprises use rigorous security implementation, risk management plans and security measurements implementations. But in case of small businesses they usually do not use such information security implementations. So, these are becoming more easy targets to attackers. There are emergence of new OS like Android etc. Theoretically these OS are highly secure as those use LINUX kernel, different new types of security measures, SSL encryption etc. But Android is a free and open source OS. In many cases it has been seen that manufacturers have failed implement the security measures in these devices properly. So, mere presence of security control and implementation is not enough. There have been a lot of new information technologies in payment system. Especially with the emergence of smart phone technologies, mobile payment is a rising technology. Attackers have found several vulnerabilities in such systems and these issues have stemmed out from mistakes during implementation of protocols in those systems. However, on the positive sides, in spite of those mistakes, there are several strong security measurements implemented in these new payments systems. There are dedicated hardware, authorization system. Theft control mechanisms that have made these systems stronger and better than traditional payment systems. There is a huge gap between the education system and real life information security responses. The gap is getting wider. This is a very alarming risk for future. As technology is becoming an inseparable part of our lives thus need for right cyber security skill set is becoming a necessity. Studies have forecasted that until 2030 there will be huge gap between the demand of such professional and the availability of same. Current Circumstances and Trends There are various studies going on in the field of information security and technologies. Among those studies researches on the security technologies of cloud computing, mobile computing, wireless communication networks are very important. Researchers are working on making systems stronger, sophisticated yet secure. There are works on cryptography, secure protocol etc. Ecommerce and social media have become very popular. In coming days, those are supposed to be more wide spread. There are huge amount of data that is transmitted and processed through such systems. People from non-technical background and with very little or with no knowledge about information security are sharing data over these platforms. These people, systems and platforms are becoming targets of the hackers and attackers very easily. Conclusion In this report there is a detailed discussion on information technology security. As information technology and security or IT security is a sub domain of information security thus, there is a brief discussion on information security in current context. There is a detailed discussion on different kinds of security attacks ranging from exploitation of vulnerabilities, security breaches virus attacks, backdoors etc. Also there are different countermeasures like vulnerability management, safe and secure design of information systems etc. All these aspects along with current trends, issues etc. in IT security, current researches etc. have been discussed. Information security is a very vast topic. So is information technology security. There are different types of new attacks are evolving each day. The domain is very dynamic in nature. So, awareness, knowledge and understanding is very much important at the first place. In coming days, technologies will be more advanced and that will make the attacking tools and techniques more advanced and sophisticated thus these attacks will be more fatal. Proper understanding, proper implementation of security controls and measurements, proper use of information technology are very much needed in current contexts of IT security. References Andress, J. (2014). The Basics of Information Security: Understanding the Fundamentals of InfoSec in Theory and Practice. Syngress. Bishop, M. (2004). Introduction to Computer Security. Addison-Wesley Professional. Blunden, B. (2013). Rootkit Arsenal: Escape and Evasion in the Dark Corners of the System. Jones Bartlett Publishers. Davis, M., Bodmer, S., LeMasters, A. (2009). Hacking Exposed: Malware and Rootkits. McGraw Hill Professional. FitzGerald, J., Dennis, A. (2009). Business Data Communications and Networking. John Wiley Sons. Hadnagy, C. (2010). Social Engineering: The Art of Human Hacking. John Wiley Sons. Lampson, B. 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