Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Essay on Case Study-Tracey - 1588 Words
Case Study: Tracey Exceptional Needs Children PS340-01 Instructor: Crystal Alstot, M.S., BCBA Case Study: Tracey Transitioning to adulthood can be stressful and challenging for all, but for those diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and their caregivers transitioning to adulthood can provoke feeling of uncertainty or even fear. People with ASD function at different levels and require varying degrees of care. There should be an individualized educational plan (IEP) established by age 16 containing postsecondary goals related to training, education, employment, and independent living skills along with the transition services needed to assist in reaching those goals referred to as†¦show more content†¦In this type of employment Tracey will receive ongoing support services while on the job from a job coach that will provide intensive on-site job training and support, which will be modified over time as she becomes more successful at completing her job tasks. It is important that the job coach gradually reduce the time spent providing direct training to Tracey in order to: avoid disruptions in the workplace, keep Tracey from interacting with coworkers without disabilities and have Tracey become too dependent on the job coach keeping her from developing problem solving skills and taking responsibility for her own actions (Heward, 2013). Tracey’s training/support should focus on how to get to and from work, scheduling, following instructions (supported by pictures), interactions with coworkers, money management and self-advocacy. Tracey’s goal is to live in an apartment with a college friend. Supported living is designed to foster an individual’s integration to the community as he or she works toward his or her personal goals. A supported living model is suited for Tracey because she has established basic life skills and does not have significant levels of challenging behaviors but still requires assistance in some areas. An apartment cluster houses people with disabilities while having another nearby apartment for a support person or staff member (Heward, 2013). This type of living arrangement willShow MoreRelatedThe Issue Of Domestic Violence959 Words  | 4 Pagespolice. Men could often beat their wives and their behavior was condoned. Violence against women is an issue that is quiet prevalent. Abuse in women is an issue that directly relates to mandatory arrests. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
No Name Woman By Maxine Hong Kingston, And Leftover Women...
Society has evolved much through time and has never settled; it keeps going as different minds and points of view change its direction. Through history, women have been the epitome of weak compared to men, since history started to be recorded women have claim to suffer from inequality and forced to follow expectations which represent the consequences of the disequilibrium between genders. Although it has become less evident through time, women still suffer from inequality and literature is evidence of it. Three good examples are Nervous Conditions by tsitsi dangarembga, No Name Woman by Maxine Hong Kingston, and Leftover Women: The Resurgence of Gender Inequality in China. In each of these examples, an abused woman is hiding behind her reality but consequently, rebels to seek equality. In Nervous Conditions, Tambu s parents chose to send their male kid to school while she was ignored and forced to work to pay for her education, in No Name Woman Kingston s aunt had an adulterous affai r and, even worse, probably produced a female child from the sexual encounter, and in Leftover Women, the narrator walk the readers through the economic disbalance between genders in China. In the book Nervous conditions, Tambu is a girl determined to seek a better life through education but is surprised by her parent s decision of investing in their male kid only. There is much literature that protests the disadvantages of women living in a biased society that favors men, and this book is a
Monday, December 9, 2019
Activity Based Method
Questions: If you have utilized an activity-based costing system in your former or current employment, describe how this system had been used. In your response, be sure to include your experience and position on the effectiveness of the activity-based costing system. Support your ideas by drawing on your readings and scholarly articles. If you have not encountered this type of system in your work experience, assume a company needs to switch to an ABC system. Describe the common cost drivers that could be used. How would the organization identify the cost drivers? How would the organization use them in the implementation of this system? You may use your former or current company for the analysis. Answers: Activity-based costing is a useful method for measuring the costs and performance activities, resources and also cost objects. The purpose is to create accurate cost information that provides support in different accounting and financial decision making process (Huynh, 2013). It is considered as a methodology rather than accounting practice and it helps to produce a bill of activities that explains the cost build of each product, services and also an individual customer. At first, it is required to recognize the relationship among resources, activities and cost objects related to products and customer (Chenhall, 2004). After recognizing the relationship, we can identify the inefficient and unnecessary activities through using the activity-based costing system. Not only that, but it also helps to identify the opportunities available for cost reduction and improvement of profitability. Cost driver can be considered as the reason or trigger for the changing of the cost of an activity (Horngren, Datar Rajan, 2012). This concept is mostly used in case of assigning the overhead cost related production of goods. Cost driver is also used in case of activity-based costing system to identify the causes of overhead. The purpose is to minimize the overhead costs. The examples of costs driver can be total labour hours taken for producing products, total machine hours, the total number of customer contacts, and the number of products returned by the customer, etc. Most organizations use total direct labour hours and total machine hours as the cost driver (Pike, Tayles Mansor, 2011). But for large organizations that want to identify the true costs, only one factor is not sufficient for them. They need to consider several factors for identifying the true costs. At first, it is required to identify cost object for determining the cost driver. Without identifying the cost driver cannot be identified. The aim of identifying cost driver is to allocate the costs of a target cost object among within its beneficiaries. Suppose a business organization has encountered problem-related to the regular material handling tasks. They are facing challenges related to proper allocation of total material handling costs to different working units. In this situation, the cost object is material handling costs. So, the organization can identify the cost driver setting the cost object as material handling cost. But so many cost drivers available for a cost object. So, it is required to investigate which driver has more impact on the relationship between activity and cost incurred. After identifying all costs drivers associated with each activity, the overhead head rate is determined by different types of products or different business units. Overhead rate is determined by dividing the total overhead costs through cost driver of each activity. Suppose a company two activities related to overhead costs such as deliveries to retailer and purchase orders. The two cost drivers associated with these activities are the number of deliveries to retailer and number of purchase orders. So, it is required to determine the overhead rate for two activities individually. The company also produces two types of products. So, the number of deliveries and number of purchase orders will be different for each product. The overhead cost for two products can be calculated by multiplying the overhead rates with the number of deliveries to retailers and number of purchase orders for two products. Reference List Chenhall, R. (2004). The Role of Cognitive and Affective Conflict in Early Implementation of Activityà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ Based Cost Management. Behavioral Research In Accounting, 16(1), 19-44. Horngren, C., Datar, S., Rajan, M. (2012). Cost accounting. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson/Prentice Hall. Huynh, T. (2013). Apply Activity-Based Costing to Calculate Product Cost in Small and Medium Enterprises. International Journal Of Business And Economics Research, 2(3), 59. Pike, R., Tayles, M., Mansor, N. (2011). Activity-based costing user satisfaction and type of system: A research note. The British Accounting Review, 43(1), 65-72.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Steps in Data Collection
Introduction In the field of research, data collection forms an eminent portion. The organization carrying out research should critically undertake data collection to ensure the highest possible degree of accuracy (Salkind, 2014). Research helps organizations to make decisions. After carrying out data collection, data are analyzed and interpreted before any conclusion is made.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Steps in Data Collection specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Step 1: Identify the reasons for data collection The first step is to know and identify the need for data collection. The step requires one to carry out both internal and external evaluations of an organization or a company. By doing so, it aids in the creation of opportunities for data collection. Upon identification of reasons for data collection, an organization should decide on time and means to collect information from the field (Salkind, 2014). E qually, the step is important in ensuring that a company realizes its objectives while satisfying its clients. The process of identifying the need for research involves a thorough review of policies, procedures, and practices subjected to workers and clients. If gaps and weaknesses exist, then it creates an opportunity for data collection. Step2: Select reasons and set objectives After identification of several reasons and opportunities for data collection, priority is established and goals are set. The step involves choosing one or few critical issues to research. As such, the step assists the organization to be focused on specific issues at a time. Equally, the step enhances efficiency and proper uses of resources. The organization needs to ask critical questions concerning the identified issues. For instance, an organization needs to establish whether the selected issue can lead to other opportunities (Salkind, 2014). Setting of objectives is essential for each of the selected is sue. That is different issue should have different specific goals. Goals may be stated hypothetically concerning certain issues. Step3: Planning on data collection approaches and methods The stage is crucial in data collection process as it involves selecting the individuals to be surveyed, sources of data to be utilized, and time and duration of collecting data. The organization’s management may decide on this or they can make use of a consultant. Approaches and methods to be used depend on organization’s resources, the type of issues, and the purpose of data collection. The stage involves asking and finding answers to various questions. During the initiative, a researcher should know the target group, the sources of data, the group of interest, the geographical locations, and how the data will be collected.Advertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Step 4: Data collection Data c ollection is a vital stage in any research. Therefore, those responsible for data collection should be aware of some critical issues concerning the possible challenges and logistics that can be encountered during the process. The stage involves choosing the person to collect data and means to do so. Similarly, the stage involves the appointment of the committee to steer the project, setting aside resources, and getting the appropriate technology to be adopted during the process. All these ensure that data collection is successful and accurate. Significance of systematic data collection methods It is important to maintain the credibility of data collected, whether quantitatively or qualitatively. The researchers should choose the appropriate tools and methods of data collection to minimize errors (Salkind, 2014). Inaccurate findings are blamed on the inaccuracy of data collection approaches and methods. For instance, inaccurate findings can lead to wastage of an organization’s resources and time. It also affects negatively the decisions of an organization and public policy making. Equally, the above could cause great harm to people or animals on which research is being conducted. Hence, the need to follow systematic steps that guarantee successful data collection. Conclusion In conclusion, it should be noted that the main role of data collection is the gathering of information on various topics of interest using well-defined mechanisms. Different fields of research require different methods and approaches of data collection. Reference Salkind, N. J. (2014). Exploring research (8th ed.).Harlow, Essex: Pearson Education. This essay on Steps in Data Collection was written and submitted by user BartRozum to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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