Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Apoclypse Now essays
Apoclypse Now essays This film, from 1979 was directed by Francis Ford Coppula and starred Martin Sheen (Capt. Willard) and Marlon Brando (Col. Kurtz). The film takes place during the 1970's in the middle of the Vietnam War. Coppula was rewarded for his hard work by winning the Academy Award for cinematography. The story is based on the novel "Hearts of Darkness", by Joseph Conrad. The book and film depicts Capt. Willard in the middle of the Vietnam searching for Col. Kurtz, who has gone mad and started his own private war. Apocalypse Now uses its scenes to show three types of horror including psychological, gore, and surprise. Psychological horror plays with human rationalization. Gore shows a stunning or violent action. Surprise horror is instilling fear by catching the viewer off guard. Each type of horror appeals to different parts of human fear and requires different methods to pull it off properly. Psychological horror is the fear of a believable, reasonable force. It outs a mirror in front of the viewer and asks him what he would in the situation. Many scenes in the film utilize this form of horror, but none more clearly than the river boat scene where Willard and his crew emerges from a heavy mist to see a large group of villagers facing them in their own boats. An uncertain grayness covers the screen and suddenly shifts to a vivid image of a group on the river that is staring forward, penetratingly grabs the attention of the viewer. The tension between the two groups is made apparent as the two opposing forces stare at each other. If one side makes any move the other is sure to as well and would mean deaths for both. The viewer is now put into the situation where they must ask themselves if they could handle the tension and not make any move. He also uses close-ups to show the viewer that these villagers are real people that have been made to look like and think like savag es. Coppula uses psychological horror to illustrate the b ...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Amyloplast Definition and Function
Amyloplast Definition and Function An amyloplast is an organelle found in plant cells. Amyloplasts are plastids that produce and store starch within internal membrane compartments. They are commonly found in vegetative plant tissues, such as tubers (potatoes) and bulbs. Amyloplasts are also thought to be involved in gravity sensing (gravitropism) and helping plant roots grow in a downward direction. Key Takeaways: Amyloplast and Other Plastids Plastids are plant organelles that function in nutrient synthesis and storage. These double-membrane, cytoplasmic structures have their own DNA and replicate independently of the cell.Plastids develop from immature cells called proplastids that mature into chloroplasts, chromoplasts, gerontoplasts, and leucoplasts.Amyloplasts are leucoplasts that function mainly in starch storage. They are colorless and found in plant tissues that do not undergo photosynthesis (roots and seeds).Amyloplasts synthesize transitory starch which is stored temporarily in chloroplasts and used for energy. Chloroplasts are the sites of photosynthesis and energy production in plants.Amyloplasts also help to orient root growth downward toward the direction of gravity. Amyloplasts are derived from a group of plastids known as leucoplasts. Leucoplasts have no pigmentation and appear colorless. Several other types of plastids are found within plant cells including chloroplasts (sites of photosynthesis), chromoplasts (produce plant pigments), and gerontoplasts (degraded chloroplasts). Types of Plastids This image of vertical section of a leaf was taken with a scanning electron microscope. Chloroplasts (green plastids responsible for photosynthesis) and other organelles are seen inside the cells. Clouds Hill Imaging Ltd./Corbis Documentary/Getty Images Plastids are organelles that function primarily in nutrient synthesis and storage of biological molecules. While there are different types of plastids specialized to fill specific roles, plastids share some common characteristics. They are located in the cell cytoplasm and are surrounded by a double lipid membrane. Plastids also have their own DNA and can replicate independently from the rest of the cell. Some plastids contain pigments and are colorful, while others lack pigments and are colorless. Plastids develop from immature, undifferentiated cells called proplastids. Proplastids mature into four types of specialized plastids: chloroplasts, chromoplasts, gerontoplasts, and leucoplasts. Chloroplasts: These green plastids are responsible for photosynthesis and energy production through glucose synthesis. They contain chlorophyll, a green pigment that absorbs light energy. Chloroplasts are commonly found in specialized cells called guard cells located in plant leaves and stems. Guard cells open and close tiny pores called stomata to allow for gas exchange required for photosynthesis.Chromoplasts: These colorful plastids are responsible for cartenoid pigment production and storage. Carotenoids produce red, yellow, and orange pigments. Chromoplasts are primarily located in ripened fruit, flowers, roots, and leaves of angiosperms. They are responsible for tissue coloration in plants, which serves to attract pollinators. Some chloroplasts found in unripened fruit convert to chromoplasts as the fruit matures. This change of color from green to a carotenoid color indicates that the fruit is ripe. Leaf color change in fall is due to loss of the green pigment chlorophyll, whi ch reveals the underlying carotenoid coloration of the leaves. Amyloplasts can also be converted to chromoplasts by first transitioning to amylochromoplasts (plastids containing starch and carotenoids) and then to chromoplasts. Gerontoplasts: These plastids develop from the degradation of chloroplasts, which occurs when plant cells die. In the process, chlorophyll is broken down in chloroplasts leaving only cartotenoid pigments in the resulting gerontoplast cells.Leucoplasts: These plastids lack color and function to store nutrients. Leucoplast Plastids This false-color transmission electron micrograph shows an amyloplast (large central body), a starch- containing plastid, found in a cell from the root cap of an onion. Amyloplasts contain large quantities of starch (blue globules). Dr. Jeremy Burgess/Science Photo Library/Getty Images Leucoplasts are typically found in tissues that dont undergo photosynthesis, such as roots and seeds. Types of leucoplasts include: Amyloplasts: These leucoplasts convert glucose to starch for storage. The starch is stored as granules in amyloplasts of tubers, seeds, stems, and fruit. The dense starch grains cause amyloplasts to sediment in plant tissue in response to gravity. This induces growth in a downward direction. Amyloplasts also synthesize transitory starch. This type of starch is stored temporarily in chloroplasts to be broken down and used for energy at night when photosynthesis does not occur. Transitory starch is found primarily in tissues where photosynthesis occurs, such as leaves.Elaioplasts: These leucoplasts synthesize fatty acids and store oils in lipid-filled microcompartments called plastoglobuli. They are important to the proper development of pollen grains.Etioplasts: These light-deprived chloroplasts do not contain chlorophyll but have the precursor pigment for chlorophyll production. Once exposed to light, chlorophyll production occurs and etioplasts are converted to chloroplasts.Proteino plasts: Also called aleuroplasts, these leucoplasts store protein and are often found in seeds. Amyloplast Development This image shows starch grains (green) in the parenchyma of a Clematis sp. plant. Starch is synthesized from the carbohydrate sucrose, a sugar produced by the plant during photosynthesis, and used as a source of energy. It is stored as grains in structures called amyloplasts (yellow). Steve Gschmeissner/Science Photo Library/Getty Images Amyloplasts are responsible for all starch synthesis in plants. They are found in plant parenchyma tissue which composes the outer and inner layers of stems and roots; the middle layer of leaves; and the soft tissue in fruits. Amyloplasts develop from proplastids and divide by the process of binary fission. Maturing amyloplasts develop internal membranes which create compartments for the storage of starch. Starch is a polymer of glucose that exists in two forms: amylopectin and amylose. Starch granules are composed of both amylopectin and amylose molecules arranged in a highly organized fashion. The size and number of starch grains contained within amyloplasts varies based on the plant species. Some contain a single spherical shaped grain, while others contain multiple small grains. The size of the amyloplast itself depends on the amount of starch being stored. Sources Horner, H. T., et al. Amyloplast to Chromoplast Conversion in Developing Ornamental Tobacco Floral Nectaries Provides Sugar for Nectar and Antioxidants for Protection. American Journal of Botany, vol. 94, no. 1, Jan. 2007, pp. 12–24., doi:10.3732/ajb.94.1.12. Weise, Sean E., et al. The Role of Transitory Starch in C3, CAM, and C4 Metabolism and Opportunities for Engineering Leaf Starch Accumulation. Journal of Experimental Botany, vol. 62, no. 9, 2011, pp. 3109–3118., doi:10.1093/jxb/err035.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Company Law for Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Company Law for Business - Essay Example It is known to all the consumption and burning of fossil fuel lead to environmental pollution as these activities increases the carbon emission level. High carbon emission level is one of the major reasons behind these growing effects of global warming. The temperature of earth surface is increasing day by day due to massive fossil fuel burning. Looking into these aspects, governments of several countries developed several environmental policies for business organization to limit the consumption percentage of fossil fuel. However, these policies and legal barriers forced the organizations to focus on sustainable business practices. In addition to this, market and customer’s demand for green and environment friendly products. Slowly and gradually, the organizations tried to search for substitute energy sources that can harm less to environment. In addition to this, emergence of advanced technology helped organizations to consider the aspect of green business operation strategy. On the other hand, sustainable business practices helped organizations to avoid legal and political threats. However, corporate social activities are considered as the part of sustainable business strategies. Water recycling, maintaining zero solid waste, reduction of carbon emission, charitable functions for the development of communities and other sustainable business activities are adopted by several organizations to maintain high brand vale and meet current market demand (Hannigan,. 2009, p.71). History of CSR In the year 1990, the leading organizations started to understand the significance of several types of CSR programmes and activities. It was important for the organization to undertake different business strategies to sustain in the competitive business environment. In... This essay approves that governments of different countries are monitoring the business performance of the organizations along with its corporate and business culture. A profitable organization can face several legal and political challenges if the organization does not follow any kind of ethical code, labour standard or environment policy. It is clear from several survey reports that stakeholders are attracting more to those organizations who maintain all the corporate social responsibilities. CSR is not only about maximizing profit and revenue, but also taking care of social and communal aspect through these business outcomes. This report makes a conclusion that leading global firms are focusing on corporate social responsibility activities to maintain sustainable business practices. Recently, the demand of stakeholders and customers are shifting to green business strategies and effective environment friendly business outcome. Earlier the business organizations tried to fulfil social needs by investing in the community and society from the business profit. It created setbacks for several organizations as it increased operational cost. Recently, the organizations are focusing on environmental sustainability in order to maintain their CSR. It is important for the organizations to fulfil all the social and environmental needs through sustainable business strategies in order to attain high brand image.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Challenges in Groups and Teams Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Challenges in Groups and Teams - Essay Example Collaborative (C) decision making takes a step in the direction of participation by way of consultation, and involves asking either certain individuals or, more generally, a group for their input. The manager solicits a recommendation from individuals or the group, but still makes the final decision. Empowered decision making completes the continuum. It is full participation, and entails empowering either an individual or a group to make final decisions. The particular people involved in a given communication episode can make the critical difference in whatever understandings result. Personal qualities and background factors influence the interpretations and meanings created by sources and perceivers. There are different key factors to consider with each decision-making style, and different levels of commitment to decisions that can be expected to result from each approach. The challenges can be overcome with the help of training and leadership support, planned intervention and posit ive climate and morale. The three stages: preparation, training and implementation and practical usage will help a team leader to overcome challenges in teamwork and create a dynamic team.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Who Is Alan Turing Essay Example for Free
Who Is Alan Turing Essay Alan Turing (1912 1954) was a British mathematician, logician, and cryptographer considered by many to be the father of computer science. His contributions to breaking the German Nazi Enigma code during WWII were considered pivotal to the Allied war effort. Alan Turing formulated multiple ideas that now lie at the foundations of computer science and computability theory, such as the idea of a Turing machine or the Church-Turing thesis. Contributions Computer designer In 1945, Turing was recruited to the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) in London to design and develop an electronic computer. His design for the Automatic Computing Engine (ACE) was the first relatively complete specification of an electronic stored-program general-purpose digital computer. Had Turing’s ACE been built as planned, it would have had considerably more memory than any of the other early computers, as well as being faster. However, his colleagues at NPL thought the engineering too difficult to attempt, and a much simpler machine was built, the Pilot Model ACE. In the end, NPL lost the race to build the world’s first working electronic stored-program digital computerâ€â€an honour that went to the Royal Society Computing Machine Laboratory at the University of Manchester in June 1948. Discouraged by the delays at NPL, Turing took up the deputy directorship of the Computing Machine Laboratory in that year (there was no director). His earlier theoretical concept of a universal Turing machine had been a fundamental influence on the Manchester computer project from its inception. Turing’s principal practical contribution after his arrival at Manchester was to design the programming system of the Ferranti Mark I, the world’s first commercially available electronic digital computer. Artificial intelligence pioneer Turing was a founding father of modern cognitive science and a leading early exponent of the hypothesis that the human brain is in large part a digital computing machine. He theorized that the cortex at birth is an â€Å"unorganised machine†that through â€Å"training†becomes organized â€Å"into a universal machine or something like it. †A pioneer of artificial intelligence, Turing proposed (1950) what subsequently became known as the Turing test as a criterion for whether a machine thinks.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Great War - Changes In Peoples Attitudes About Government :: World War I History
How far did the Great War change people's attitudes about how big a part a government should play in peoples's lives? "War" declared Trotsky, "is the locomotive of history" (Bourne, 1989,p. 191) When considering the attitude of the people towards the change governmental intervention had in their lives, one must consider a number of different aspects. The scene must firstly be set by ascertaining the mood of the people upon the outbreak of war, and this Bourne eloquently describes: "The British urban working class was the oldest industrial workforce in the world. Its class-consciousness was very strong. It was well organised. It had a sharp awareness of its industrial strength. It was quite remarkably strike-prone. It was also riven with divisions, petty snobberies and subtle distinctions. It was disciplined and deferential, conformist and hedonistic, patriotic and loyal. It showed little interest in radical ideologies. It had a vast fund of goodwill towards Britain` s national institutions, especially the monarchy and parliament. From the point of view of a hard- pressed government in time of war, the working class was far from intractable. There was, however, a sticking point. This was `fairness`, a concept deeply rooted in Anglo-Saxon culture. Government could ignore `fairness` only at its peril. (Bourne, 1989, p. 204) These were the people the government were given the task of cajoling into acquiescence, people that had become accustomed to Free Trade, private enterprise and minimal governmental interference. Despite this scenario however, political Liberalism was seen to be evolving in response to social problems and the rise of labour, and the war became "the locomotive" which accelerated the change in British politics and society. It was only when the pressures of war were brought to bear, that the government gradually abandoned its laissez faire principles in favour of direct control. The goal was to fight a war, but simultaneously preserve the living standards of the civilians, so as to uphold morale on the home front and in the factories needed to supply the military front. Bourne suggests that: "The nature of this interference was characteristic. It involved a series of ad hoc responses to specific problems. These were made of necessity and not through choice. There was no overall plan and no philosophy of action." (Bourne, 1989,p. 192) The desperate need for munitions was an early realisation of the need for state control, which later extended to shipping in 1916, food in 1917,coal in 1917, and food rationing in 1918.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Individual Assurance of Learning Excercise 1
Individual Assignment – D02-IALE1-Johnson 1. Assurance of Learning Exercise 1A, Step 4, page 37 Strengths: 1: Highly successful and recognized worldwide (Ronald McDonald and the Golden Arch) 2: Strongest Brand Image as the number-1 fast-food company by sales, with more than 32,478 restaurants in 117 countries. 3: Consistently solid financial performance. * Sales revenue up 3. 8% in 2009, global comparable sales up 6. 9%. * Net income up 9% from 2008. Weakness: 1: 80% of restaurants are franchise owned, placing image and reputation in other’s hands. 2: Not in sync with health and lifestyle : Struggles with fluctuations in operating and net profits:  * Operating profits $4,433M (2006), $3,879M (2007), $6443M (2008). * Net profits $3,544M (2006), $2,395M (2007), $4,313M (2008). Opportunities: 1: Healthier food, such as low fat, low cal. 2: Increased beverage options with McCafe have been shown to increase customer visits in Europe (+7. 2%). 3: Joint ventures with re tailers (Wal-Mart, etc. ) can place new locations in high traffic areas at lower capital cost. (Such as the Wal-Mart located in Roanoke, VA) Threats: 1: More health conscious customers. : Intense price pressure from competitors like Burger King, Taco Bell, Wendy’s, KFC and any mid-range sit-down restaurants. 3: As a multinational food operation, variations in the currency of other countries becomes a problem. 2. Assurance of Learning Exercise 1B, p. 326 1. Buying competitors’ garbage: U & L 2. Dissecting competitors’ products: U & L 3. Taking competitors’ plant tours anonymously: E & L 4. Counting tractor-trailer trucks leaving competitors’ loading bays: E & L 5. Studying aerial photographs of competitors’ facilities: E & L 6. Analyzing competitors’ labor contracts: U & I . Analyzing competitors’ help-wanted ads: E & L 8. Quizzing customers and buyers about the sales of competitors’ products: E & L 9. Infiltrating custom ers’ and competitors’ business operations: U & I 10. Quizzing suppliers about competitors’ level of manufacturing: U & L 11. Using customers to buy out phony bids: U & I 12. Encouraging key customers to reveal competitive information: U & I 13. Quizzing competitors’ former employees: E & I 14. Interviewing consultants who may have worked with competitors: E & L 15. Hiring key managers away from competitors: E & L 16.Conducting phony job interviews to get competitors’ employees to reveal information: E, U, L, and I. (depends on what information) 17. Sending engineers to trade meetings to quiz competitors’ technical employees: E & L 18. Quizzing potential employees who worked for or with competitors: E & L 3. Assurance of Learning Exercise 1B, Steps 1-2, page 37 Strengths: 1: Students can either earn their degrees at the campus or online. 2: Is the largest private, non-profit school in the country and the largest four-year school in Virgini a. * Between 1992 and 2009, fall enrollment increased from 8,500 to 46,949. With more than 80,000 taking classes online. 3: The fiscal contributions alone are making an impact on local business, Liberty staff, employees and staff was responsible for $268 million in direct spending to Lynchburg area in 2009. * A net $180 million remained in the state * Creating close to $283 million in activity * Every Liberty dollar spent in Virginia in 2009 ultimately generated $1. 57 in overall economic activity. 4: Diverse student body and faculty. 5: Liberty University’s ranking in the 2013 edition of Best Colleges is Regional Universities (South), 65. Weakness: : Employers are threatened by Liberty and think less of their degrees. 2: With the high growth of the student body, they will have to supply and improve technology 3: High student to faculty ratio * 25:1 Resident Undergraduate * 17:1 Online * 19:1 Combined 4: 70% Full-time faculty hold terminal degrees 5: The graduation rate at Li berty University is low, 44%. Opportunities: 1: The University offers 148 undergraduate, 53 graduate and one post masters program as its Lynchburg campus, and 43 undergraduate, 66 graduate, 3 post masters, and 6 doctoral programs through Liberty University Online. : Liberty has an opportunity to expand its use of classroom instruction to incorporate the Christian worldview into all courses. 3: Participation in learning activities increased from 38% of those in the population age 18 or older in 1991 to 50% in 1999. 4: The University can expand its market by offering more traditional and distance courses for all ages of students, particularly those beyond the traditional college age of 18-21 years. 5: Technology in the Distance Learning Program (DLP) could be particularly effective in Liberty’s University’s mission of reaching the world for Christ. Threats: : Funding sources are needed to maintain success and growth. 2: Dramatic business growth creates data upsurge 3: Ne ed for better security and transportation 4: Terrorism 5: Becoming more worldly as the University grows 4. Assurance of Learning Exercise 1D, Steps 1-2, page 38 (Note: Please replace the use of †SMCO†, in the assignment instructions, with the use of www. ceoexpress. com or Standard and Poor's. Standard and Poor's can be accessed via LU's Online Library. ) Standard and Poor’s has been up and running since 1916. It has been helping investors and creditors analyze the credit risk that one is taking. Standard 2011) The changes in credit ratings can be determined by many different obstacles in life such as the changes in economy, the changes in the lifestyle of a business, or more specifically focused on profit, entity and individual debt issues. These obstacles can determine whether to purchase bonds and other investment opportunities. Being able to use the information that Standard and Poor has available, gives the investors the opportunity to figure out why rati ngs have fallen and when creditors should be looking to improve.The creditability of this company allows many investors to use these analyses to grow and evaluate the upcoming obstacles for their company and/or person investments. References American School Search (2009-2013). Liberty University – Review ; Ranking. Retrieved March 21, 2013 from Web site: http://www. american-school-search. com/review/liberty-university Liberty University (2013). Liberty University. Retrieved March 21, 2013 from Web site: http://www. liberty. edu/index. cfm? PID=21240 Liberty University. (2013). Retrieved March 21, 2013 from Web site: http://colleges. usnews. rankingsandreviews. om/best-colleges/liberty-university-10392 Skinner, J. (2010). Annual Report 2009. Retrieved March 21, 2013 from, Web site: http://www. aboutmcdonalds. com/content/dam/AboutMcDonalds/Investors/C-%5Cfakepath%5Cinvestors-2009-annual-report. pdf Standard ; Poor's (2011). Understanding Ratings. Retrieved March 21, 2013 from , Web site: http://img. en25. com/Web/StandardandPoors/SP_CreditRatingsGuide. pdf Q1 Labs (2010). Dramatic growth creates need for advanced detection of threats and minimizing risks. Retrieved March 21, 2013 from, Web site: http://www. liberty. edu/media/1155/Liberty-University-Case-Study. pdf
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Personal life Essay
My dad and I have a warmer relationship than my mom and I. The relationship between my dad and I, is different than the relationship with my mom because ever since birth id always be with my dad. Having mostly done everything with my dad it got our relationship so close; I did not want to do many things with my mom. My dad would act like such a kid; it would make me feel as if he was my best friend. I feel closer to my dad, rather than my mom is because of our time spent together over the years. Also the valuable time spent getting to know each other thoroughly. There are lots of differences between the relationship I have with my dad versus my mom. I spend more time with my dad comparatively than my mom which makes a big difference to my relationship with each of them. Eating things my dad would eat, to being influenced to a big time hockey fan. My mom could not be as open and have a kid mind while playing with me. Being active for my dad is a big deal, therefore me and him always try to be as active as we can. For example we always play hockey in the backyard. On the other hand my mom is not too keen of being active herself. My relationship with my dad and mom, have several things in common. First, both are always trying their best for me. For example, they both work hard, so they can provide me with good food, shelter, and clothing. A second way in which they are similar is that they both make the utmost choices for me, even though I may think they are wrong or don’t like them.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Kick the academic habit †academic writing vs business writing - Emphasis
Kick the academic habit – academic writing vs business writing Kick the academic habit – academic writing vs business writing Most students are familiar with that morning-after feeling. But academic life can leave you with another kind of hangover youll want to shake off before heading off to work: an academic writing style. When your key reader is more likely to be found in a boardroom than a staffroom, you need to change your approach. The focus should be less on displaying every last bit of knowledge and more on the results you want your document to produce. Plus, its pretty likely your new reader wont have the patience of your university lecturer. So save the flowery prose and make sure to leave these three typical habits behind, along with your lava lamp and Pink Floyd poster. Confusing transitions No, not the last few stops on the pub crawl. This is the careless use of linking words such as moreover, however, furthermore and nevertheless. Theres nothing inherently wrong with these words, but using them doesnt automatically make the connection between paragraphs clear, or even guarantee that what you write is connected to what went before. If you imply a link that is unclear or non-existent, youre going to end up with a confused reader or, worse, an ex-reader. Ask yourself if you can make the connection more explicit to help your reader follow your argument. A good way to do this is to bring a phrase or reference from the previous paragraph into the next. For example, if in one paragraph youve been describing the benefits for a certain department of using a particular system, you might follow with something like: However, the benefits for HR have been outweighed by problems elsewhere One too many Hey, were not here to judge what you do after you clock out. But in working hours, try to show a little restraint with how much you try to fit into one sentence, that is. The overeager student starry-eyed with newly acquired knowledge and an excess of Red Bull is often moved to squeeze every last thing they know about a topic into one paragraph, or even one very long sentence. Post-graduation, give your reader (and yourself) an easier time and a better chance of understanding and acting on your information by sticking to one idea per sentence. Be selective with your information, too. The goal is to give your reader the information they need to know, not a brief history of everything that could possibly be related to it. Short paragraphs can be helpful too, as huge blocks of text on a page can be overwhelming or offputting for the reader. But dont break at a random point just to accomplish this: it will be disorientating and disrupt the flow. Make sure that while every sentence contains only one idea, every paragraph contains just one theme. Sesquipedalian* show-offs * (adj.) pertaining to or given to the use of overly long words Your lecturer may have sighed rapturously at displays of a wide and poetic vocabulary, but the reader of your report may be less entranced. In fact, if you send them off to find a dictionary, they may never return. So make sure you swap unnecessarily long words and phrases for simpler alternatives. For example, is it really vital to write in close proximity to rather than near? Not only are shorter versions understood more readily, being more direct will help the connections youre making come across more clearly: a bold because is preferable to a detached due to the fact that. And avoid nominalisations (the use of a verb as a noun), as they attract unnecessary extra words and disguise the action in a sentence. Why say undertake the implementation of when you could simply say implement, or an even more everyday alternative such as put into place? Why, academia, why? And now, class, let us draw to a close with this question: would it be better if students werent encouraged to write in the academic style in the first place? Richard Dixon, a freelance journalist and commentator who was chief revise editor of The Times for nine years, would say a resounding yes. He recalls having to defend the clear, precise language in his PhD thesis to the external examiner: She criticised my thesis as having some paragraphs with only two ideas, as if this were a mortal sin, and being written in a simple (or maybe simplistic) style not usual in academic writing. I told her that those were the early benefits of training as a sub-editor on a properly edited research journal. And, having himself helped recovering academics grope towards a clear journalistic style, he notes: Very few of them have felt they needed to buy a Dixon voodoo doll and stick pins in it in retaliation. Some have even been grateful. Sadly, even with Richards input, we probably cant expect to change the entire university systems writing habits in the immediate future. But if you can take on board a few of these tips, at least we can help you graduate into the world of business writing with flying colours.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
How to Redirect Your Mail in Canada at the Post Office
How to Redirect Your Mail in Canada at the Post Office If you are moving, be sure to arrange for your mail to be redirected so you dont miss anything important. These instructions are for having your postal address changed at the post office. You can also use the Change of Address Online Service to have your mail redirected via computer. Should You Redirect Your Mail? In order to continue to receive your mail at a new address, you will need to use Canada Posts in-person or online service to forward your mail. You can use Canada Posts redirect services for both permanent and temporary moves. When making a permanent move, you can choose whether to forward your mail for four months or one year. When making a temporary move, you can choose to forward for three months with the option to continue on a month-to-month basis thereafter. The following steps apply to both residential and business relocations. Follow These 6 Steps to Redirect Your Mail At least two weeks before your move, go to any ​postal outlet in Canada and complete a Redirection of Mail Service form. Pay the appropriate fee. The cost of mail forwarding will vary, depending on whether your new address is within the same province, within Canada or in another country. There also are different rates for residential and business moves.The Redirection of Mail Service form will be sent to the postal supervisor for your old address.Ask for change of address cards.Complete the change of address cards and send them to all your regular correspondents, including your bank, credit card companies and other companies with which you regularly do business.If you still want your mail redirected after the initial period, go to a postal outlet and renew the service before the redirect period has ended. Pay the current fee. Additional Considerations Note that mail can be redirected to any other address in Canada, in the United States and to many international addresses. For security reasons, youll need to show two pieces of identification, preferably photo ID.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Division of Labor and Gender Roles in the Society Essay
Division of Labor and Gender Roles in the Society - Essay Example This essay declares that culture refers to a way of life of society. It entails the society's behaviors, beliefs, values and symbols the society accepts to govern itself. Men have the tendency to conform to the views of society and how they are expected to deliver their roles. With women's nurturing nature more so towards children, there begins a close relationship with them. This in the view of men is sensitive and fragile, making them feel stronger and dedicate themselves to technical activities.This paper highlights that child care and homemaking are part of the works considered to be for women. This makes them closer to home than men as they have to care for people in the homestead. Men take public jobs to be away from home. This makes them more respected as providers than women who are rarely seen in the society. The third theory describes the division of labor with respect to the objective relationship and the family life of people. At the age of three children tend to know themselves hence the task of becoming comfortable, aware and responsible for your gender and its roles and. They begin to find ways of being emotionally secure with who you are and hence be happy. Women's nature to nurture begins to develop in girls, and they slowly progress and assume the role fully. For the little boys, they love their mothers' way of care learns soon that they cannot grow up to be like them but to be like their fathers.
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